Sustainability in Action

Photo by Tania Malréchauffé on Unsplash

The Save&Game project has emerged as a promoter for change, focusing on  sustainable habits and climate change education. With a primary objective to share awareness among young individuals and youth workers about environmental challenges, the project brings a gamified approach to impart the values of co-responsibility, scientific citizenship and green skills

This article delves into the significance of the 13 action sheets developed to foster more sustainable consumption practices among the youth. The Save&Game action sheets are designed to guide and inspire young individuals and youth workers in making meaningful contributions to their local communityDivided in the following categories: Biodiversity, Circular Economy, Reducing Waste, Active Citizenship and Saving, these action sheets are maps for creating sustainable positive change within communities. Each sheet provides step-by-step examples, providing both basic and creative approaches for implementation, making it accessible for diverse audiences. From establishing Repair Cafés and Community Gardens to organizing Second-Hand Swap Parties, each action sheet addresses a specific aspect of sustainability.  

The project not only offers practical examples but also identifies stakeholders who can contribute, emphasizing the importance of collective action. Through initiatives like Bug Hotels, Widespread Savings, and Bike Repair Workshops, Save&Game aims to promote green skills and active citizenship. 

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Together with the action sheets, Save&Game provides another valuable resource, a tutorial calledImplementing Save&Game Action Sheets“. The tutorial’s brief yet insightful description outlines the importance of planning engaging and participatory activities. It offers valuable suggestions on how to implement the actions effectively while showing the importance of disseminating results. Importantly, it shows both what to do and what not to do. 

Save&Game’s initiatives extend from individual actions to youth becoming active contributors to environmental well-being, also providing suggestions and guided processes for youth workers to implement concrete actions with the young people they interface with. By engaging with the action sheets and tutorial, young individuals learn not only how to make eco-friendly choices but also how to share their knowledge and skills with others 

In conclusion, by empowering young individuals to be active participants in environmental initiatives, Save&Game is sowing the seeds of a greener and more sustainable future. 

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