You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.

Jane Goodall


I. Young people made environmental protection and the fight against climate change one of the EU’s top priorities (Eurobarometer 478). This tendency has been observed through the rise of young activists such as Greta Thunberg, which gave birth to a youth environmental movement that calls on governments to take concrete action to combat climate change. In the face of continuous environmental emergencies, the concern of young people is completely justified: the measures taken by authorities are still insufficient to guarantee their future. So they often want to turn to individual action. But how many young people know how to implement sustainable behaviours in their daily lives? How aware are they that by “thinking globally and acting locally”, they can make a difference?

II. The aim of the Save&Game project is to raise awareness among young people and youth workers of environmental challenges, demonstrate through play the value of co-responsibility, and promote scientific citizenship and green skills through an active learning experience based on gamification.

III. This approach will help young people become advocates for sustainability in their communities. The tools developed will promote education and empowerment to prepare the citizens of tomorrow for a working world increasingly linked to the concept of green, blue, and circular economy.


A training guide for youth workers on sustainability

3 Escape Games inspired by sustainability, and a toolbox full of resources and suggestions

10 action sheets and examples of good practices


Udruga Zelena Istra (Association Green Istria)
(Pula, Croatia)

SCS LogoPsyCom
(Mons, Belgium) 

Work in Progress
(Perugia, Italy)

The Save&Game project is co-financed by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union, and will be implemented from January 2023 to January 2024. This website and the project content reflects the views of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

(Project code: 2022-3-HR01-KA210-YOU-000097125)

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