The role of the Save & Game project – Empowering young people through education

In a time marked by environmental challenges, education appears as the most important way for young people to acquire the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for a sustainable future. This project reshapes the way young people approach environmental issues.

The Save & Game project aim is raising environmental awareness among young individuals and youth workers.

Source: Unsplash

Through the “Guide on sustainability and how to fight waste in consumption” young people and youth workers are empowered to take concrete actions. Ensuring that those leading the next generation are equipped with the necessary expertise. The 7-chapter guide discusses in simple language the concepts of sustainable development, the damage that overproduction causes to natural resources and biodiversity, the impact of overproduction on climate change and global warming, why it is important to rethink our shopping habits and support sustainable alternatives, and what individuals and local communities can do to protect the environment for future generations and contribute to sustainable development. The guide also provides links to two tests “What is your carbon footprint?” and “Are you eco-anxious?”, interesting tools that can be used in working with young people or simply to open discussions.

By introducing gamification into the learning experience, the Save & Game project goes beyond traditional educational methods. Through this rare approach, it spreads knowledge through three interesting and dynamic escape games inspired by the fight against climate change, which not only educates, but also challenges young minds to improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It helps young people solve complex issues, identify root causes and formulate innovative solutions. Including these elements, the Save & Game project challenges participants to grapple with real-world climate issues and invent practical strategies.

In addition to the above, the project promotes inclusivity by ensuring that every young person, regardless of their circumstances, has an equal opportunity to become an advocate for sustainability. Participants develop a deeper understanding of their role as citizens, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. It gives them the confidence and skills needed to take proactive steps towards creating a better world.

Also, cooperation and feedback are important in the project. All developed materials will be tested by youth workers and young people themselves. Their insights, advice and recommendations are valuable in refining and improving the resource, ensuring it resonates with the target audience. This approach strengthens the impact of the project and fosters a sense of investment in the community. 

Source: Unsplash

The best kind of education is not just imparting facts; it’s about spreading a passion for lifelong learning. Quality education involves students, makes learning a pleasant experience, where curiosity is welcome!

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